
Project Implementation

Over the last 25 years CEFA has implemented both multi-year and short-term development projects in Kenya. The main donors of CEFA were the EU, AICS, the Swiss Embassy, Foundations and others. Currently, CEFA is operating in West Pokot as a partner of the "SUPPORT FOR RESILIENCE FOR SUSTAINABLE LIVELIHOOD" project, co-financed by the EU: the general objective of the action is to contribute to improving the resilience of communities to drought and other effects of climate change in ASAL areas of Kenya. In particular, CEFA deals with interventions on water infrastructures and the development of agriculture through a supply chain approach. There are two geographical areas selected together with the Ministry of Agriculture suitable for promoting and strengthening the production and supply chain of mangoes in collaboration with E4Impact, namely Sigor and Lomut. CEFA provides training for 1,000 farmers focusing on mango production and management, in particular on the prevention and propagation of diseases, on the selection of cultivars and grafting techniques, on the use of fertilizers and protection of orchards.

WhatsApp Image 2023-01-05 at 1.36.44 PM (1)
During courtesy call by muranga County government

CEFA European Committee for Training and Agriculture (Lead Partner)

CEFA's interventions are aimed at achieving food self-sufficiency, promoting social and economic development, and meeting the basic needs of the local population, combining actions aimed at supporting agricultural production with social and cultural actions. In supporting the agricultural sector,